Techniques to Track Voice Search Queries & Optimize the Website for Voice Search

Posted by SEO Services Consultants | 24 February, 2020
Voice Search SEO

Searching for things across search engines used to predominantly feature typed queries in the past. However, the trends are changing fast, with most users of search engines these days using smartphones and using the voice search feature more than ever before.

That’s the reason why search engine optimization services in India are increasingly focusing on effective techniques to track voice search queries and also optimize websites for voice search. Let’s take a look at some of these effective voice search tracking techniques and also what you can do to optimize your business website for voice search over the course of this blog.

Voice Search

The Techniques to Track Voice Search Queries

The best way to track voice search queries that have generated traffic for your business website is to use the free tool called Google Search Console. This tool allows website owners to see the voice search queries for which their website ranked and also the number of clicks for each of those queries.
While voice search queries have gained in popularity, they are still in their nascent stages, which is why some of the most effective techniques to track them include manual assessment. Instead of relying on any specific tool, you should rely on your wits and intuition to tell voice search queries apart from typed search queries. How exactly can you do that? Find out in the points enlisted below:

1. Look for a Combination of Natural Spoken Language and Questions: When someone types in their search queries, they will most likely be phrases and not complete sentences. For example, if someone is looking for restaurants in New Delhi’s Paharganj area, he/she is more likely to type in the phrases ‘Paharganj restaurants’ or ‘restaurants in Paharganj’.

However, a voice search query will typically feature a combination of complete sentences that are in most cases questions. For example, if a user uses the voice search feature to know about the restaurants in Paharganj, he or she would most likely ask ‘What are the best restaurants in Paharganj?’.

2. Look for Long Tail Keyword Phrases: Another effective technique of tracking voice search queries is to look for queries that have long-tail keyword phrases. Such phrases are typically used as part of complete sentences, which may not always be questioned. For example, a query regarding the best management colleges in Delhi may be put forward through the voice search feature like this: ‘Show me the best management colleges in Delhi.’

3Look for Filler Words: When a user types in a search query, he/she is not likely to use filler words. For example, if someone wants to know how to travel to Manali, the typed-in search query would look something like ‘how to travel Manali’ or simply ‘travel Manali’.

However, as filler words are part and parcel of natural speaking, a voice search for a similar query may look like this: ‘how to travel to Manali’. In this query, the preposition ‘to’ is the filler world.

With voice search queries set to become the norm in the coming years, more and more effective tools and techniques to track such queries will surely come to the fore before too long.

Google Voice Search

Voice Search Optimization Techniques Used by Search Engine Optimization Services in India

1. Optimizing for Rich Answers: You may have seen that when you search for a business on Google, the results page often displays a knowledge panel on the right-hand side. You may have also seen a featured snippet appearing at the top of the results page when you have made a query such as ‘tips to improve skin quality’.

When your website features content that Google knowledge panels and featured snippets can draw information from, that means your website is optimized for rich answers.

2. Conversational Content and FAQs are Mandatory: As voice search queries are typically conversational in nature, your website content has to be conversational as well. Instead of creating content that’s ultra-formal, choose a semi-formal tone, something which is commonly used to converse.

Also, include Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) whenever and wherever possible, as Google voice search queries tend to draw a lot of information from websites with FAQs.

3. Target Keywords that Fit the Voice Search Profile: As mentioned before, voice search keywords are typically of the long-tail nature. After you identify one or more long-tail keywords that may have led users to your website, you should include these keywords in the appropriate pages of your website.

However, also use short-tail keywords. By combining both short-tail and long-tail keywords, you will not just be optimizing your website and its pages for voice search queries, but also for typed-in queries on Google.

If you want your website to rank ahead of your competitors’ websites on Google, then get in touch with SEO Services Consultants. With its headquarters in the city of Mohali in India, SEO Services Consultants is regarded as one of the best providers of search engine optimization services in India.

Author: SEO Services Consultants



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