Tips & Tricks to Improve your Website’s Content Readability

Posted by Amara Luis | 6 September, 2019

Are you looking for new ways to advance your creative writing? Not sure about how to make your blog more attractive to the readers? Or are you looking for tricks to enhance your content’s readability? If these questions are confusing you, then do not worry anymore. This article mainly aims at providing the budding writers with tips to increase their readability. Even research shows that proper readability can boosts readership from 40 to 60%. But, before we dive into this topic, be very sure of what exactly readability is.

What Is Readability?

Readability is the ability with which a reader can interpret the meaning of a written text. More simply, it depends on the type of vocabulary used in the content. Readability of a document also depends on the topographic aspects of the material like font size, line height, etc.


Researches have been carried out to find various factors which shape up the readability of the text. Some of the elements are:

  • Perceptibility at a distance
  • Speed of perception
  • Visibility
  • Speed of reading
  • Perceptibility in peripheral vision
  • Reflex blink method
  • Fatigue in reading
  • Movements of eye

Higher readability of content ensures easier reading habits and speed for the reader. One should increase the readability from average to a decent level to help readers with average reading conceptions.

You can find readability in both programming languages and natural language via different forms.

But How Does Readability Matter So Much?

Yes, indeed it does. The main objective of writing is to pass information across the world. If somebody isn’t able to decipher the information within a text, then there is no utility of writing it.

However, theoretically, most bloggers emphasize on improving:

Whatever be the motive behind an article, the writer should keep the readability at the first priority. For, if the readability is compromised, then writing an article isn’t successful.

Thus improving the website’s readability is essential for:

  • Makes it easier for visitors to read the websites.
  • Advances visitors’ experience on your website.
  • It enhances the search engine rankings.

Hence, it is crucial to enhance the readability of the text for the success of the script.


So How Exactly Can We Increase The Readability Of The Text?

  • Keeping the paragraph size in check: Long and complicated paragraphs often bore the readers. Hence short and precise writing boosts up the readability. Many progressive websites and writers use short paragraphs to attract readers.
  • Restrict the number of words per sentence: Long and complicated sentences confuse the readers. So always try to construct easy, simple, and exciting sentences to attract the interest of the readers.
  • Do not user filler words: Filler words are like a threat to readability. Avoid using fillers by unnecessary adjectives, lengthy and complicated sentences, and never over-hype the content.
  • Focus on the characters per word: Successful bloggers use shorter and simpler words to increase their content’s readability. Readability decreases if there is continuous usage of complicated words in a sentence.
  • Be very swift in making a point of the text clear: Make valid points in the text without putting unnecessary descriptions as that would make it lengthy and tedious.
  • Use simple, easy language that the readers understand: Users prefer to read easy to apprehend texts as many lacks that time to invest in reading. Hence to increase the readability, one needs to focus on the language along with their choice of words. Usage of more straightforward language and words would help the readability to go high on the scoreboard.
  • Concentrate on the Typography for Better Legibility: The topography or composition of the text also governs the readability score. One should pay special attention to the typography for increasing the readability.
  • Make you content interesting with real-life examples: Describe the topics with examples taken from a real-life situation. People connect to real things swiftly than any fictional ideas. Hence, it is advisable to use such examples to increase the readability of the website.

How Can You Measure Readability?

You can measure readability by using the Flesch Reading Ease scale, which was developed by Rudolf Flesch. Another scoring system to use in measuring readability is to use the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score. A score beyond 60 means the web content is easy to apprehend and won’t bore the readers.

However, seven of the eight readability formulae were less than 49% accurate, with the least one only 17% accuracy.

Who Is Bothered About The Readability Of The Content?

Well, Google does care, and so do the writers. Google even declared publicly that readability is one of the dynamics in its grading algorithm. Hence, if you are targeting the web readers, keep readability as the central aspect of the article. We need to maintain the readability of articles, to keep readers content, and Google transferring them our way.

Hence we can say, to make any website reach the population; focus on increasing the readability of the website. Be clear about the motive of the content and always use straightforward language to reach the users. One should also check the progress of their writing based on their readability score regularly.

Author: Amara Luis

Amara Luis is a skilled and most creative content writer work freelance specializing in writing SEO, social media and other various topic on internet marketing.



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